
We keep all documentation online on Brewtools Docs (Gitbook). Follow the link below to get to it:

   Brewtools Docs

If you cannot find the information you need or need additional help, please email


We're incredibly thankful for the community that has been created around our products - by our customers. There's a lot of activity in the two Facebook-groups, and this is a great place to ask other users for help and how to get started.

Note: The groups are run by volunteers and Apparatus AS / Brewtools has no affiliation with the groups. Opinions and statements are done by individuals and are not representative for Brewtools and the company behind the brand.

The groups are found here:

Contribute to the development

We are welcoming customers and partners to suggest new products and accessories, changes on products and functionality and features in our software. By following the link below you can sign up to our Trello-board and contribute!

  Follow the "Brewtools-beta" board on Trello